Contains a minimal amount of assets for Creators.TF servers.

This is required to be installed to see custom weapons without errors, which cannot be disabled. This pack comes with the weapons from the September 1st update.
Full Creators.TF Asset Pack

Contains all the assets that are used on Creators.TF servers such as cosmetics and music kits.

This pack is not required to play on our servers. This includes the mandatory assets and content from the September 1st update. You will need to turn on cosmetics ON using the /ctfhats command in-game.
Sept 1st Update ONLY Asset Pack

Contains only the assets for the September 1st update for Creators.TF servers.

This pack does NOT include any other assets, including mandatory ones. Only download this pack if you've played Digital Directive. You will need to turn on cosmetics ON using the /ctfhats command in-game.

Steam Workshop Collection

Creators.TF utilizes the Steam Workshop to host the community-made maps in our rotation. This allows content-creators to update their maps and see their changes on our servers quickly and for players to have a smaller asset pack size without the bulk from map files.
Subscribe to the official workshop collection here.

How to install

If you encounter any issues during the installation of the assets, you can watch the tutorial video to verify your steps or join our Discord server and ask for help.

  1. Download one of the asset packs.
  2. Extract it to a folder on your desktop.
  3. Keep the extracted files open in a new window.
  4. You must now access the “tf” folder.
    • Right click on Team Fortress 2 in your library.
    • Click on "Manage".
    • Click on "Browse local files".
    • Open the “download” folder inside "tf".
  5. With both windows open, copy everything from the extracted files into the “download” folder.
  6. Overwrite any files, if needed, so you always have the most recent assets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens if I don't download an asset pack?

A: Depending on your game settings, upon joining one of our servers, you will probably download the map that the server is currently on and nothing else. This will make you see the classic big "ERROR" signs because of the missing models.

Q: Ok, but how do I avoid those errors?

A: You can type /ctfhats in the game chat to disable the rendering of custom content from your side.

Q: Cool, but what about contracts/quests?

A: You can normally activate, play and complete contracts by going to the Community Contracker and earn Mann Coins which can be used in the store for rewards such as cosmetics and custom weapons!

Q: Is there a way to do this whole thing automatically?

A: Yes! The Creators.TF Community Launcher can be used to automatically download and install all the assets required for you to play as well as other custom mods such as the Ultimate Visual Fix Pack or The GMan Announcer Pack, and all of that with the click of a button!