a line of soldiers saluting

Sounds of keyboard clicking, power tools whirring, and explosions detonating permeate the room.

Here at Creators.TF, we’re always looking for new and exciting ways to put too much on our plate create new and interesting experiences for players to enjoy. But we have a problem: we’ve got all these really cool concepts for updates and weapons, and not enough people to work on them!

Step right through this no-collide door and keep reading, because we’re recruiting for the Creators.TF team!

Right now we need additional programmers, artists, and weapon balancers for our team to help with ongoing development. Currently there are multiple positions to be filled, and we need YOU to fill them.

Click a role to expand it's description.


  • Website Developers
    • Experienced in all of the following: PHP8, HTML5, CSS3
    • Preferred experience in any of the following: JavaScript, NodeJS, ES6, TypeScript
  • Game/Server Developers

    With experience in any of the following: Sourcepawn, C++, and/or srcds game servers.

  • App Developer
    • Experience in any of the following: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
    • Preferred experience in any of the following: PHP8, Mobile App Design, PWAs, the Web Push Protocol
  • Weapon Balancer

    With experience in any of the following: Game Design or Competitive TF2.


  • UX Researchers

    With experience in any of the following: designing behavior studies, UX Design Methodologies, and/or interest in Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology.

  • Graphic Designers

    With experience in any of the following: Figma, Adobe XD, InVision, Typography, Grids, and/or Patterns.

  • General Artists

    With experience in any of the following: Leadership and listening skills, Diverse portfolio of previous works, and/or Diverse skill set in different mediums.

If you feel like you fit the bill for any of these talents and want to help us on our journey to continue creating cool new stuff, please feel free to click the button below to submit an application!

Applications will be closing September 30th, 2021.