Old times, best times. I'm sure most of you will all agree that it was better in the olden days. Currently, the style of Team Fortress 2 has radically evolved from what it began as. While this isn't a bad thing, you sometimes just want to take a trip down memory lane. Nobody can truly recreate an old atmosphere, but we can definitely try our best! In other words, we're creating a New Beginning.

Meet a brand new event from Creators.TF entirely focused on old school content you would expect to see in the early days of Team Fortress 2. Starting off, we're giving you 5 new maps from the community that should remind you of some official maps from the olden days. Please enjoy playing Synthetic, Isotope, BaleOfHay, ClearCut and Stranded!

Although maps alone might not do the trick, they'll definitely bring back that unique gravelly smell. Maybe some new cosmetics will help make sure that scent isn't forgotten. That's right, we're introducing the New Beginning cosmetic collection, with 10 new community-made cosmetics we felt were fitting enough to be introduced in the context of this event.

Along with this update, if you take a look at our Contracker, you can see that 2 new campaigns are available.
The "new_beginning" campaign is similar to last time - there will be limited-time contracts based on content introduced in this month's event. The "creators" campaign is a brand-new, non-expiring campaign, and will be continuously updated with new contracts! This means that even after an event is finished, you'll still have plenty to do!

After many, many requests, we've finally introduced the Scrapping feature. You can now scrap your unwanted items for a certain amount of Mann Coins!
Say hello to Creators.TF, Brazil! Two new servers were added in Brazil, so Brazilian players can now enjoy our content without having high ping.

And, thanks to our amazing Patrons, we've been able to launch servers in new locations as well as increase the capacity and performance of our existing ones.
We hope you enjoy the new event! And, as always, if you have any questions, reports, or suggestions, feel free to get in touch with us via support@creators.tf or our Discord server.

This event will run until March 1st.

View the patch notes here!

- Creators.TF Team