An update for Creators.TF servers was released. Changes will automatically apply after a map change. Notable changes include:

  • Stranded (Patch notes taken from Stranded's page on the Steam Workshop)
    • Brought in most of visual and gameplay changes from halloween version of the map
      • Visual upgrade on RED 1st spawn, as well as another exit
      • Visual upgrade on BLU 3rd spawn, as well as made it bigger
      • Widened side path between B and C control points, indoor area next to point
      • Closed off another route next to RED 1st base to streamline gameplay
    • Based on player feedback, increased RED respawn time by 2 seconds after BLU has capped 1st cap point.
    • Added some rooftop ledges on last area
    • Removed dupe explosion sound during RED winning the round
    • Removed railings from front of BLU 1st forward spawn
    • Increased lighting all over the map, especially in dark corners
    • Improved clipping on last area, mid area
    • Fixed hovering door frame
    • Fixed rare bug where players who do not exit quicker short route out of 2nd forward space sometimes might get locked in and die slowly. Now they teleport off back to their base.
    • Fixed last cap pit rocket animation blocking certain weapons like wrap assassin ornament blowing up in thin air, even when animation was not playing. Thanks for EricS at Valve for helping to track this issue down.
    • Added some roar
  • Fixed a problem where Fifthcurve's contract would not count points when killing a player.