An update for Creators.TF servers was released. Changes will automatically apply after a map change. Notable changes include:

  • Disabled Hazardous Environments event
  • Maps removed from the rotation
    • Steel
    • Dustbowl
    • Granary
  • Added the following maps
    • Mercenary Park
    • Mossrock
    • Powerhouse Fix
    • Sunshine
    • Lakeside
    • Suijin
    • Borneo
    • Harvest Alpine
    • Product
    • Badwater Pro
    • Barnblitz Pro
    • Summercoast
  • Added new contracts to the ConTracker based on the new maps introduced
  • Added new commands that can be typed in the in-game chat to allow for easier access to our features
    • !l (that’s a L) - Opens your current class loadout.
    • !w - Opens the website's main page.
    • !s - Opens the servers page.
    • !c - Opens your ConTracker.
    • !i - Opens your Inventory.
    • !p - Opens your Creators.TF profile.
  • Added fixes from twiikuu's "tf2-comp-fixes" plugin:
    • Crossbow bolts will no longer pass through teammates when in close range
    • Players no longer stop while sliding on slopes
    • Stickies will no longer fail to detonate when switching weapons
    • Projectiles no longer collide with teammates (but not friendly buildings)
    • The commemorative Soldier statue is now translucent and will not collide with players, shots or projectiles
    • Fall damage no longer has random spread