Artwork by: Manndarinchik

Co-operative Contracts are now live on all Creators.TF servers!
This means that now, if you and your friend have the same contract activated, are playing on the same server, and are on the same team, you can now both help each other to complete a specific contract.

Here is how this system works, in detail:

  • Be sure you have your friend added on Steam.
  • Be sure either you or your friend have Steam's friend list set to public.
  • Be sure you both have the same contract activated.
  • Be sure to be in the same server.
  • Be sure to be in the same team.
  • After meeting all these requirements, you both will now be sharing/completing the same contract.
    P.S.: At the contract's completion, both parties will be able to get each individual reward to their respective accounts.

    If you find a bug related to this feature, feel free to either email us on, sending a ticket over or simply leaving a message on the #feedback channel in our official Discord server.